Within the ValPar.CH project, we are developing normative and explorative scenarios for future ecological infrastructure (EI) and its framework in Switzerland.
With this questionnaire we aim to find out the relevant factors and their relative influence on a functioning EI in Switzerland. For this, we rely on the participation of experts from different disciplines. We would like to integrate your expert knowledge into the development of scenario elements.
We ask you to take 15 minutes and answer the questions on the following pages carefully and completely.
Thank you very much for your valuable contributions!
Diese Befragung ist Teil des ValPar.CH Forschungsprojektes und wird von einem Team des IRL-PLUS der ETH Zürich durchgeführt. Weitere Informationen zu dem Projekt finden Sie hier.
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey | Sven-Erik Rabe, rabes@ethz.ch | Paula Mayer mayerpa@ethz.ch|
Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung – IRL | Planung von Landschaft und Urbanen Systemen – PLUS, ETH Zürich